Rolfing® Structural Integration
The Myofascial Foundation (Level 1) is our new, flexible introduction to the world of bodywork from a Rolfing® perspective and is open to everyone. You’ll gain a solid understanding of myofascial bodywork and movement principles. Explore the curriculum through three core topics Touch, Movement and Anatomy.
This page explains who the workshops are for and what you’ll learn.
Rolfing ® Structural Integration’s (SI) main aim is to improve structure, posture, and movement and is based on the key elements of Dr Ida Rolf’s work on Structural Integration.
Rolfing incorporates these elements and the study of new scientific research within the fields of Fascia, Functional Anatomy and Movement education.
Who these Rolfing® workshops are for
Start with these workshops if you:
- have no previous experience in myofascial bodywork and want to find out if it is right for you
- want to explore the benefits of myofascial bodywork for your own wellbeing.
- work as a manual therapist, osteopath, or pilates or yoga instructor and want to expand your professional skills
- are a singer, dancer or actor and want to explore how myofascial bodywork can help improve your technique and delivery
- are a psychotherapists or coaches who would like to establish a connection to the body within your work
- are thinking about becoming a Rolfer– as these workshops count towards the credits you need to move to Level 2 training

Workshop topics
Workshops are grouped into three topics:
- Movement
- Anatomy
- Touch
Insight Level 1 Movement 1, Movement 2 and Movement 3
These three 3-day Rolfing workshops introduce you to movement in gravity, based on the principles developed by Dr Ida Rolf. You’ll be taught by a Faculty Member of the Dr Ida Rolf Institute Europe, using a mix of practical exercises and theory.
MOV1:The dynamics of posture
You’ll learn about
- exploring how we live and move in gravity
- posture as a dynamic process
- how standing upright requires interaction between muscles, coordination, and perception
MOV2:The dynamics of breathing
You’ll learn about
- how breathing involves the whole body
- perceiving spaciousness within your body
- exploring your body’s relationship with the outside world
- discovering what could prevent the breath from flowing freely
MOV3:The dynamics of walking
You’ll learn about
- the dynamics of walking
- how all parts of your body work together to create stability and mobility
- contralateral walking (moving the opposite arm and leg) and how it promotes balance and lift in the body
Insight Level 1 Anatomy 1, Anatomy 2 and Anatomy 3 3
These three 3-day Rolfing workshops introduce you to anatomy, based on principles developed by Dr Ida Rolf. You’ll be taught by a Faculty Member of the Dr Ida Rolf Institute Europe, using a mix of practical exercises and theory.
ANA1: Support from foot to pelvis
You’ll learn about
- the basics of human anatomy
- using your fingers and hands to explore the body through touch (also called ‘palpation’)
- the anatomy of the lower part of the body – feet, legs, and pelvis
- learning the basics of anatomical terminology
- different cells and tissues in the body
- using hands and fingers to explore the body through touch (palpation)
- discover the topography of the body from ‘bony landmarks’ to ‘fascial planes’
ANA2: Expression through shoulder girdle, hands, and face
You’ll learn about
- the anatomy of the upper part of the body from shoulder girdle to hands and face
- deepening your skills in touch (palpation)
- how anatomical structures develop in the embryo
ANA3: Sensing from the core
You’ll learn about
- the anatomy of the chest and abdominal cavity
- exploring different transverse structures in the body, such as the respiratory diaphragm or the pelvic floor
- how Rolfers understand the idea of the ‘core’ as containing and contained structures within the body
- how the fascial system is a sensory organ with a relationship to the nervous system
Insight Level 1 Touch 1, Touch 2 and Touch 3
These three 3-day Rolfing workshop introduce you to manual bodywork, based on principles developed by Dr Ida Rolf. You’ll be taught by a Faculty Member of the Dr Ida Rolf Institute Europe, using a mix of practical exercises and theory.
TOU1: Discovering the fascial net of the lower body
You’ll learn about
- the body’s fascial connective tissue system
- using your fingers and hands to explore the body through touch (also called ‘palpation’)
- feeling different layers of the body, like the skin, fascia, muscles, and bones
- understanding movement patterns and posture
- exploring the lower body – feet, legs, and pelvis
- using your hands as your tools
- creating strength by using your body weight
- learning how to ‘body-read’
- how Rolfers approach their work
- establishing clear boundaries in the therapeutic relationship
TOU2: Exploring the fascial net of the upper body
You’ll learn about
- exploring the upper body – hands, arms, and shoulder girdle
- fine-tuning your touch skills to the needs of different people
- developing a wider variety of touch, direct and indirect, firm and light, listening and following
- deepening your understanding of how to ‘body-read’
- continue learning about how Rolfers approach their work
- working with clients in different positions – lying down, sitting, and standing
TOU3: Interacting with the fascial net of the the trunk
You’ll learn about
- exploring the trunk – chest and abdomen
- continuing the explorations of the first two Touch workshops
- experiencing how the fascial network connects different parts of the body
- how Rolfing touch can address restrictions in range of movement and fascial pathways
- At the end of this workshop, you’ll have an opportunity to demonstrate what you’ve learnt, under your teacher’s supervision.
How to choose the workshop that’s right for you
You can book individual Level 1 courses at any time, for further training or to try them out. For faster courses, we recommend the 1 course (Movement 1, Anatomy 1 or Touch 1).
If you need any information, please send an email request to Andrea
Nossem from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Europe in Munich: or call her under 0049 – 89 543 709 – 43.
All nine courses are compulsory, if you want to continue towards Level 2
and Level 3 in Munich to become a Rolfer®.
What to expect in class
During the workshops:
- you’re taught using a mix of practical exercises and theory
- you’ll work in pairs or small groups to explore and practice the course content
- you’ll get plenty of support as there’ll be one teacher for every 10 students and no more than 20 students per class
- your teacher is a faculty member of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Europe
- there’ll be some preparatory reading and homework

What you’ll receive at the end
For each workshop that you complete, you’ll receive a confirmation of participation. You will receive a certificate for participation in the Myofascial Foundation if you have attended all the required workshops.
It counts towards your credits to be admitted to Level 2 training (the next step on your way to certification as a Rolfer).
Locations and languages
We run the Rolfing Myofascial workshops in English at the Akademie voor massage en beweging in Amsterdam.
The cost per workshop is € 620,- unless otherwise stated. If you wish to follow all level 1 courses the costs are € 5580,-
Workshop stages
In each topic, you’ll explore the curriculum in three stages, each stage building on what you learnt. Each workshop focuses on a particular part of the body, set of skills or concepts.
Meet your Rolfing teachers
Your teachers are part of the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Europe with years of international experience as Advanced Rolfers. They’re leaders in their field and all have completed the rigorous teacher training at the European Rolfing® Association e.V. They’re committed to providing you with individual feedback and help you gain confidence with key concepts and new skills.
Type | Date | Instructor |
Movement 1 | Fri. 19.09. – Sun. 21.09.2025 | Nicolo Carofiglio |
Anatomy 1 | Fr. 24.10. – Sun. 26.10.2025 | Gerhard Hesse |
Touch 1 | Fr. 21.11. – Sun. 23.11.2025 | Rita Geirola |
Movement 2 | Fri. 09.01. – Sun. 11.01.2026 | France Hatt-Arnold |
Anatomy 2 | Fri. 20.02. – Sun. 22.02.2026 | Thomas Sonnleitner |
Touch 2 | Fri. 27.03. – Sun. 29.03.2026 | Andrea Clusen |
Movement 3 | Fri. 19.04. – Sun. 21.04.2026 | France Hatt-Arnold |
Anatomy 3 | Fr. 15.05. – Sun. 17.05.2026 | Thomas Sonnleitner |
Touch 3 | Fr. 19.06. – Sun. 21.06.2026 | Andrea Clusen |

Rolfing®, Rolfer® and the “Little boy logo” are registered trademarks of The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (RISI) – Boulder CO (USA).
Only professionals trained and accredited can teach this technique. Esoterra has the license to use these trademarks for the training of Rolfing in Netherlands